
Leadership 2023 - PAC Can PLAY - Pupil Appraisal Center
Leadership Livingston Team Projects
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Project Impact: $40,000 | Volunteer Hours: 250+
#Impacted: 470
WHAT: The Pupil Appraisal Center is part of the LPPS and offices more than 75 educators and administrators where they conduct over 400 evaluations of children entering the school system each year. The evaluations include physical evaluations.
The outside where the evaluations are conducted were less than ideal and had students and teachers in the elements without protection or shade. Staff also needed a place to take a break that was appealing and shaded.
Bring in the Leadership Project Team of - PAC can Play. It consists of a group of 8 local Leadership Livingston class members, who recognized the need for a safe, comfortable, and well deserved outside evaluation space for the Pupil Appraisal Center. Actions on the project include: Raising funds and collaborating with local businesses to implement the project. Repairing the concrete area and adding a shaded cover. New fencing, fans and building enhancements were tackled as well. New outdoor tables have also been added.
Project partners are: Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Livingston Program, Livingston Chamber Foundation, LPPS, McLin Construction. “PAC can Play” sponsors were so generous that funds were left over to purchase school supplies from a wish list provided by the teachers of the center. 100 back packs, a slide, files and other supplies have been purchased for the center.
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