Love LP - A Positive Campaign for Livingston Parish

Love Lp - A Positive Campaign for Livingston Parish
Love LP is a positive campaign that is meant to bring a sense of positive, pride and community resolve to those who are part of Livingston Parish and its communities. The campaign was launched in 2018 following an extensive grass roots outreach to find the right tone and message. Other word, names and tones were tested with the hands down favorite being the messaging that follows along with the love that we all share for LP or Livingston Parish.
The motto and campaign has been evolving since 2015 or sooner, when the Livingston Parish Chamber launched the Love Livingston Parish – Shop Livingston Parish initiative. Shop Livingston Parish was in response to both current local businesses and to encourage shopping in that parish that coincided with our retail growth thus strengthening our tax base. While other areas and parishes may have been saturated with retail for their area, Livingston Parish was finally getting the retail and commercial growth that matched our impressive residential growth.

The parish had been overshadowed due to its proximity to neighboring Baton Rouge. While many positive collaborations took place, some negative messaging needed to be addressed in a positive way. References to the “lp” would be with met a “Love LP” stance.
Business leaders in Livingston Parish, through the Livingston Parish Chamber, have been working to develop and promote a positive sense of community in Livingston Parish through the Love LP initiative.
The idea was not to stop here, but to keep going by highlighting all things positive, including positive efforts, through the Love LP campaign. Using the hashtag #LoveLp is a way for every member of the community to become engaged in positive representation of our parish and its communities.
Since its launch “Love Lp” has been used to highlight shopping local –“Love Lp – Shop Lp” and billboards leading into Livingston Parish have been commissioned in this effort. Social media channels are a vehicle as well.
Another campaign that was launched in 2018 was the Litter Free Lp campaign. It is the effort of many to bring action to the litter problem in our parish, one that communities nationwide are working to tackle.
Positive use of the campaign also includes highlighting our people, community projects, new businesses and overall good that is happening here.
The Chamber encourages all to share their Love of LP and us the #LoveLp hashtag to grow our community reach. For more information on Love LP, contact the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce.