Governmental Affairs Members of the Committee Button group with nested dropdown Chad Bacas Infrastructure Expert Forte And Tablada, Inc, Principle, Sr. Vice President John Blount Developer - Contractor Blount General Contractors LLC, President / CEO Thomas ''Trey'' Sanders, III Public Funds - Auditor Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP, CPA, CGMA, Partner Jeremy Aydell Business Owner Sport Clips Steve McLin Developer - Contractor McLin Construction, LLC, Owner Brandy Robertson Insurance Brandy Robertson State Farm, Owner Shannon Bernard Small Business Issues Primerica | Shannon Bernard, Regional Vice President Todd Caruso Legal Todd Caruso, Attorney at Law, Attorney/Owner Regina Scott Health Care North Oaks Health System, Vice President Diagnostic Services Sybil Cotten Health Care Our Lady of the Lake Livingston, OLOL Livingston Senior Director Service Line/Administrator Candy Forbes Small Business Issues Denham Springs Housing, President | CEO James Moak Information Technology Gulf South Technology Solutions, LLC, President/CEO Kevin Foster First Guaranty Bank | Denham Springs Branch, Regional Manager David Hofstetter Restoration 1 of East Baton Rouge, Owner Ross Kinchen The Kinchen Group, Manager Deric Murphy Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, President Angela Alessi Holmes Building Materials, Business Development & Marketing April Wehrs Chamber CEO Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce, President | CEO Kellie Alford Alford's Landscaping, LLC, Owner/Partner Aaron Ellis Aaron Ellis, Attorney at Law, LLC, Attorney Mike Juneau Premier Geotech and Testing, LLC, President Kathleen Abels Livingston Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, Marketing Manager Buddy Mincey Alvin Fairburn & Associates Francesco (Chez) Ciccone Metal Fab Guys L.L.C, VP of Sales Kacie Stewart Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, Business Development Chad Bacas Infrastructure Expert Forte And Tablada, Inc, Principle, Sr. Vice President John Blount Developer - Contractor Blount General Contractors LLC, President / CEO Thomas ''Trey'' Sanders, III Public Funds - Auditor Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP, CPA, CGMA, Partner Jeremy Aydell Business Owner Sport Clips Steve McLin Developer - Contractor McLin Construction, LLC, Owner Brandy Robertson Insurance Brandy Robertson State Farm, Owner Shannon Bernard Small Business Issues Primerica | Shannon Bernard, Regional Vice President Todd Caruso Legal Todd Caruso, Attorney at Law, Attorney/Owner Regina Scott Health Care North Oaks Health System, Vice President Diagnostic Services Sybil Cotten Health Care Our Lady of the Lake Livingston, OLOL Livingston Senior Director Service Line/Administrator Candy Forbes Small Business Issues Denham Springs Housing, President | CEO James Moak Information Technology Gulf South Technology Solutions, LLC, President/CEO Kevin Foster First Guaranty Bank | Denham Springs Branch, Regional Manager David Hofstetter Restoration 1 of East Baton Rouge, Owner Ross Kinchen The Kinchen Group, Manager Deric Murphy Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, President Angela Alessi Holmes Building Materials, Business Development & Marketing April Wehrs Chamber CEO Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce, President | CEO Kellie Alford Alford's Landscaping, LLC, Owner/Partner Aaron Ellis Aaron Ellis, Attorney at Law, LLC, Attorney Mike Juneau Premier Geotech and Testing, LLC, President Kathleen Abels Livingston Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, Marketing Manager Buddy Mincey Alvin Fairburn & Associates Francesco (Chez) Ciccone Metal Fab Guys L.L.C, VP of Sales Kacie Stewart Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, Business Development