J&N Park Albany - A Project of Team Vision Leadership
Leadership Livingston Team ProjectsAlbany Business
About Us
J&N Albany Community Park was the dream of two Albany High School students. Currently, families who wish to enjoy the services of a recreational park must visit a location outside of the Town of Albany. Jasmin & Nipun, sophomores at the time they took on this project, set their sites to bring a park to their community.
After speaking to Mayor Glascock and other key community leaders, they learned the city had put the idea of a park on the backburner for many years due to the lack of land and funds. Jasmin and Nipun obtained over 300 hundred signatures to present to the city council in support of the park. The students also secured land when they approached School Board member Sid Kinchen for assistance. A plot of land between Albany High School and Middle School was identified. In September 2015, the School Board approved a cooperative endeavor agreement with the town of Albany for the construction and maintenance for a park on 1.32 acres of wooded area.
In November 2015, participants of the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce Leadership project Team Vision approached the two students and offered support and assistance with the park project. The group decided their best assets were to aid in the grant application process and assist as needed. Working with Jasmine, Nipun, Mayor Glascock, and the citizens of Albany, Team Vision is helping the area realize their dream of a community park.