Harnessing TikTok’s Engagement Magic
Why building a castle on the sand is not always a bad thing - TikTok has been likened to the Yukon—a vast wild place with enormous potential for engagement gold. But also, a potential dark side. That’s part of its allure and if you’re target market is under 40, you’re likely on it (or considering it).
LP Chamber
Give These Marketing Strategies a Try in 2025
The new year is the perfect time for beginnings and setting goals. It also makes for good marketing campaigns and changes to your business. There are so many things you can do to provide value for customers and potential customers. If you don’t use this time to try something new, you're leaving money on the table.
LP Chamber
Decluttering for Greater Productivity
The new year often brings a renewed focus on fresh starts and improved efficiency. Many of us are wondering how we might earn more, be more productive, and enjoy a better work/life balance. But as you’re committing to goals for the new year, consider that what your business may need is some decluttering.
LP Chamber
Last-Minute Black Friday Promo Ideas for Small Businesses
Black Friday is this week! Is panic setting in? If you haven't planned a single promotion, and the thought of missing out on the biggest shopping weekend of the year is making your stomach churn, don't worry, you're not alone! Plenty of small businesses find themselves in this situation. But this is no time to sit in a corner worrying. This article can help.
LP Chamber | Christine
Money Management Tips for People Who Hate Money Management
If you’re the typical small business owner, you began your business with an exciting idea, a passion. No one goes into business thinking, “I can’t wait to work on cash flow challenges.” And yet, cash flow is one of the top reasons businesses close their doors. It’s not that they aren’t making money. It’s that managing it is not everyone’s skill set. Money management challenges are one of the most critical areas you need to master to be successful.
LP Chamber | Christine
Meet the Leadership Experts: Live2Lead 2024
LIVE2LEAD is a leader development experience designed to equip attendees with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. They’ll learn from world-class leadership experts, be prepared to implement a new action plan, and start leading when they get back to the office with renewed passion and commitment. Learn more about the 2024 speakers.
LP Chamber | Christine
How to Win at Content with AI
AI is one of the most efficient tools we’ve seen since the advent of the computer. But if you’re using it to generate content and then just copying and pasting, you’re missing out. And that kind of “laziness” could be costing you customers. Here’s how a couple of quick edits can bring your AI-generated content from meh to aaaamazing.
LP Chamber | Christine
15 Respectful Ways to Honor Vets on Veterans Day (and Year-Round)
Veterans Day is Monday, November 11th, and it is the ideal time to express thanks to those who have protected our freedoms and way of life. While you don’t have much time to pull it all together, honoring Veterans Day in a meaningful, non-commercial way can strengthen connections between your business and the community while showing genuine appreciation for veterans' service. And you don’t have to stop there. You can extend the relationship year-round.
LP Chamber | Christine
25 Tips to Increase Foot Traffic for Your Business
You have a great business. You offer items/services everyone needs, yet you’re struggling to get people in the door. What can you do? You need traffic to increase sales, whether that’s online or in-person. If your business is struggling to bring in customers, you know that has to change if you’re going to survive. While there are many ways to improve your online traffic (search engine optimization, user experience, etc.), your physical business’ traffic is all about location. But before you go and pack up
LP Chamber | Christine
4 Simple Management Tasks to Make More of Your Limited Time
If you ask anyone over the age of 20 what the date is, after telling you, they will probably say you how quickly time flies. How it seems like only yesterday it was _____. This is especially true when you own a business. There never seems to be enough time in the day to do what you need to do. And you no sooner pay one bill than it’s due again. Making the most of the time you have is essential to business success. But how do you beat the clock? When you’re responsible for the entire business, how do you
LP Chamber | Christine