Jeremy Aydell of Sport Clips to Speak at LYP Annual Meeting

Jeremy Aydell to Speak at Livingston Young Professionals Annual Meeting

At the LYP Annual Meeting, the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce will introduce the inaugural Livingston Future 5. Young professionals who are making an impact in the parish will be selected from nominations submitted throughout the month of June.

“Livingston Parish has many invaluable resources including exceptional professionals,” said April Wehrs, Chamber President & CEO. “This Annual Meeting is a great way for us recognize the young professionals in particular who are moving the parish forward.”

Jeremy Aydell is not even 40, but he has already made his mark on the business world. That’s why the Livingston Parish native was selected as the speaker for the Livingston Young Professionals Annual Meeting.

The father of two grew up in French Settlement and studied accounting at LSU. After several years in the corporate world, he developed an interest in franchising businesses and took the skills he had developed to invest in Sport Clips Haircuts. After 8 years Aydell now owns 14 Sport Clips locations across Louisiana and Mississippi.

Aydell operates Sport Clips with thoughtfulness and perseverance since he opened his first franchise in Denham Springs in 2010. He was one of Business Report’s Forty under 40 in 2017, in both 2016 and 2017 his Sport Clips franchises were included in the LSU One Hundred Fastest Growing Tiger Businesses and in 2016 he was selected as Team Leader of the Year by Sport Clips.

Congressman Garret Graves has also confirmed his attendance at the meeting. He will be there to support the remarkable young professionals and give insight into his own journey from early career to being elected to Congress. He will also address the importance of utilizing the Chamber as a resource for young people to be engaged as community leaders.   

The Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon will be held on July 31 at Greystone Country Club. Visit the Chamber website to register.

About Livingston Young Professionals:  Livingston Young Professionals (LYP) is a program of the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce.  LYP was formed in 2015 for young professionals living, working or volunteering in Livingston Parish. LYP offers opportunities for professionals ages 21-40. 

About the Chamber: The Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce is the largest and longest standing business organization in Livingston Parish. We represent the business community and coordinate community initiatives and programs which make Livingston Parish better. The chamber is 501C6 nonprofit association serving Livingston Parish and each of its municipalities and communities.

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce for more information.
, Denham Springs, LA 70727 – (225) 665-8155 –